If you're an international student studying in New Zealand, you might be wondering what there is to do outside of your university life. We have listed a few exciting things for you to do in New Zealand that will help you make the most of your time here! Let’s dive right in… Relax in one of nature's hot springs!Hike through some of the ...
Kudos! You've worked hard and it's finally paid off. As you take your next steps towards studying in Australia, it's important to find the right student housing in Australia that suits your needs. Home is where the heart is. They say that a person's home is their castle and for good reason. A home is somewhere you can feel safe, relaxed, and comfor...
If you plan to study abroad, the last thing you want to do is to neglect the living costs because you might be jeopardizing your own future. There is no doubt the fact that New Zealand offers quality education which is why it is one of the most popul...
All 8 New Zealand universities are in the top 3% in the world! New Zealand currently has 8 universities, all of which are featured in the 2020 QS World University Rankings. The qualifications from these Universities are highly regarded by many employ...
If you’re a prospective or current university student, you’re probably thinking, “man, uni is starting soon, more assignments, more exams, will I even still have any free time?” It is true that it is going to be tough to juggle your studies, work, fa...
If you think being a Muslim in a foreign country will put you at a disadvantage, you might be wrong all these while. In New Zealand, you are more than welcomed by the people there. To gain a deeper insight about a Muslim students’ experience at New Z...
Studying abroad can prove to be costly, especially in an economically developed country like Australia . That is why students opt to get a part time job when their limited allowances can yet support their daily necessities. Although it might seem to ...
澳洲是一块美丽陆地。从大地之母的恩赐、黄金海岸、热带荒野到壮观的城市,澳洲是一块充满异国情调的壮丽大陆。除此之外,澳洲高品质的教育更将这个国家声望带至高峰。澳洲的高等教育是所有海外国家之中的上上之选。但是什么使得澳洲的教育如此独一无二?以下是主要原因: 世界頂尖的大学 澳洲有世界上最好的教育制度。澳洲有43所以上的大学多年来被评比为世界顶尖大学,并且有1200间以上的教育机构提供22000个以上的学程。澳洲是经常积极监督和管理教育部门的国家之一,以此来确保提供给学生的教育品质有所保证。这里也提供...
澳洲总共有45所公私立学校。然而,澳洲政府并没有公布正式的大学排行。澳洲的大学有几个类别,根据学生的需求和热情寻找适合的学校是非常重要的。三个大分类分别是: 八大院校联盟(GO8) 八大院校联盟包含八所世界顶尖研究取向的澳洲大学。这些大学大多是澳洲最为久远的大学,以研究为主并致力于发展高等教育。因其多年来在全球大学排名中名列前茅,一直以来都相当受到学生欢迎。八大院校联盟的成员包含:西澳大学(The University of Western Australia)、莫那什大学(Monash Uni...
Well to be honest, what’s not to love about Australia? Sydney is home to dozens of beaches, landmarks like the Sydney Opera House and the Harbour Bridge, and world-renowned universities such as The University of New South Wales, University of Technol...
When people say money is not everything, okay true, but money is the key to survival especially when you’re alone in another country. As an international student, it is important that you are calculative with your expenses in your study destination, ...