Rewarding jobs for international students in the UK

International students based in the UK may be pleasantly surprised to know that there are numerous employment prospects open to them, both during their studies and upon graduating. International students flock to the UK in enormous numbers, making it one of the most liked study-abroad destinations. The high quality of life and good job prospects af...

  1468 Hits

UniSA's graduates achievements in the workforce

Fresh graduates often find themselves being clueless what the future holds for them. Let’s face it. The reality is harsh. You will need a job to sustain life. AND                                          Education is your stepping stone              ...

  2029 Hits


澳洲是一块美丽陆地。从大地之母的恩赐、黄金海岸、热带荒野到壮观的城市,澳洲是一块充满异国情调的壮丽大陆。除此之外,澳洲高品质的教育更将这个国家声望带至高峰。澳洲的高等教育是所有海外国家之中的上上之选。但是什么使得澳洲的教育如此独一无二?以下是主要原因: 世界頂尖的大学 澳洲有世界上最好的教育制度。澳洲有43所以上的大学多年来被评比为世界顶尖大学,并且有1200间以上的教育机构提供22000个以上的学程。澳洲是经常积极监督和管理教育部门的国家之一,以此来确保提供给学生的教育品质有所保证。这里也提供...

  1783 Hits