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Just like humans, organizations grow too. Like a beautiful infant that grows physically and intellectually to become a well-rounded adult, brands grow with time in several ways. Starting out as a simple service provider in the industry, a small team worked hard, seized the right opportunities and ascended to become an industry leader. They distingu...

  1290 Hits

THE and AECC GLOBAL announce partnership to help international students looking to study in Australia, Malaysia and Singapore

Times Higher Education (THE), the trusted global data partner for higher education, and AECC Global, a leading provider of independent student counselling services and university application support, are delighted to announce a partnership supporting...

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QS survey reports - online classes most preferred by staff in the UK

With the UK proposing to start classes on campus by introducing a blended form of learning which is inclusive of both online and face to face learning earlier this week, a recent survey has suggested that most universities prefer online courses to th...

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The recent hike in Virtual Campus tours

    The COVID - 19 may have pushed the plans of young international students a little behind, but it has not stopped them from dreaming about studying abroad. Several universities across the world have been trying everything in their power ...

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Canada's new 2 Stage Study-permit approval process

    The Canadian Immigration Minister Marco Mendicino introduced some important visa approval plans for international students earlier last week. The International students who cannot submit all of the required documentation, can utilise th...

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How beneficial are ANU's new scholarship schemes?

    With all the esteemed Universities coming up with new scholarships to help international students, The Australian National University has stepped up with some beneficial financial aids too. To begin with, “The Chancellor’s International” scholars...

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Students in the UK can return to campus as part of Roadmap steps

As a measure to progress towards Step 3 of the government's roadmap which includes an easing of restrictions on indoor and social contact, students will now be allowed to return to in-person classes alongside the launch of the new employment and skil...

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New Policy Changes for International Students - Canada

The Canadian government has introduced some new temporary policy changes that are largely beneficial to the international students willing to study in Canada . With Canada being one of the friendly nations most preferred by international students, th...

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Business Schools in Canada launches new online portal

    The Business Schools Association of Canada (BSCA) has recently introduced its online portal to help international and domestic students to access information about studying in the country. Every year Canada hosts around 17.71% of international st...

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Canada to grant post-study work permit for international students

Last week, Canadian Minister of Immigration Marco Mendicino, had announced that International students enrolled in Canadian post-secondary institutions can now complete their programmes completely online and still be eligible for the Post-Graduation ...

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Australia to recommence granting visas to International students

The Australian Government on Monday initiated a set of new visa arrangements that entirely benefits the International students. The government has decided to recommence issuing visas outside Australia as soon as possible. Furthermore, the students wi...

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New Beneficial Scholarships for International Students - USQ

    The University of Southern Queensland has introduced valuable scholarships for international students to help them achieve their study goals. The scholarships are based on meeting the entry requirements for the programs of study and successfully ...

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The University of Plymouth offers business-related scholarships

The University of Plymouth, England has introduced new scholarships for students to encourage them in pursuing business-related courses. In their attempt to support the field businesses through the economic recovery period and their ongoing drive to ...

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UK to open new immigration route soon

The UK government was delighted to inform an early opening of the new immigration route for its international students. The commencement of the new route was planned to begin in January next year but with COVID-19 making things difficult for internat...

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The US Govt permits the stay of students, reverses its earlier policy

With more than 60,000 international students currently residing in just Texas, the US government had earlier announced that the international students on F-1 and M-1 visas have to deport if they had registered exclusively only for online programs. In...

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International students arrive in Australia after lockdown

With COVID - 19 forcing countries to close borders for international students earlier this year, australia has managed to welcome its first international student to the country after nearly 9 months. The flight carrying 63 international students from...

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UK promises post-work study visa for International students

    The UK government has confirmed that the International students will be eligible to apply for their post-study work visa after graduating, provided they are back onshore by April 2021. This means that those students completing their degrees soon ...

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Singapore Airlines - First In World To Pilot IATA's Travel Pass App

Singapore Airlines will be the world's first airline to pilot the International Air Transport Association's Travel Pass mobile application. This application will permit passengers to save their Covid-19 test results. By integrating all health credent...

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